July 27 2008
Yesterday afternoon I participated in incredible healing sessions with Karin and Cheryl.
Karin's Healing Session:
First I placed various stones around her body; grounding and calling forth all beings making a pact to be here at this time for the "Highest good for all concerned". The usual beginning, releasing old patterns and clearing all energies not hers past, present and future and all levels spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. I always go with how I am guided in my healing, readings etc... This time I used a balancing technique; using my right hand on her right knee and my left hand on left ball her of foot. As energy built, I moved to her left big toe and the energy released as I removed my left hand and flicked the energy off my fingers. I continued until I was guided to move to the left knee and right foot, energy building and releasing the same as before. I moved to her right hip with my right hand /left knee with my left hand when most energy released I took my left hand and moved it down her right leg completing the energy release cycle and then the same with her left hip/right knee. I moved to her right shoulder with my right hand and her left hand with my left hand and again as energy started to release I took my left hand and pulled the energy down her left arm and shook the energy off my left hand. I tapped her Thymus gland (between the throat and sternum)to boost her immune system and moved to her head placing my right middle finger on her Third Eye (spot in the middle of the forehead) to energize and clear. I placed both hands under her head and massaged the hollow at the base of the skull and both sides. Her upper chest & head were started releasing on the physical (Karin has an involuntary
upper body jerk which is also her "Truth" barometer) I continued until the release was completed. I moved to left shoulder with my left hand and her right hand with my right hand. I moved my right hand down her right arm completing the energy release. I then moved to her Solar Plexus (center of the body above the abdomen) and noticed her Father (passed many years ago) was energetically connected & helping her run her energy and another was also energetically connected(I don't know who this person/being was). I started tapping on her Solar Plexus accessing the energy to release & had her cut cords with her Dad and all energies not hers so she could feel her True Authentic Self. I have learned from past Healing sessions people's fears come up big time when cutting cords to protect the little i(d) from losing it's power. To placate the little i(d), I always add "You can reconnect at any time with a thread of love energy from your Heart to the Heart of another". Completing the energy release I had Karin bring in the Universal Energy through the top of her head filling her body and enclosing it in a bubble. The Guides there to help in the Healing looked on in joy seeing Karin running her own energy.
A job well done and an afternoon well spent.