Last week was filled with overwhelm, exhaustion & finally sanity. The week began with learning the new Job from the end of the job. Working in Finance I understand month end entries so everything balances & is in on time so as to tie up the month in a neat little Bow. The confusion is in learning a job this is the worst place to Start. Would you start a ride at the end & track back or walk into a movie at the climactic end & wait for the next run to start.
The new job learning curve is very high for me as I know some about Excel but not enough to create very in depth formulaic spreadsheets. Treading water, over my head definitely. The kicker came when I was told I wouldn't be taking over this job until the first of the year. Well I don't know about others but I retain very little if I don't use the knowledge. I was also working 14 hour days to insure the bills went out on time. They are giving a two people job to one person & granted that is happening all over it is still very daunting.
Bright spot came when I was talking to a couple of co-workers about my retention skills when not used. I off the cuff pointed toward the 2
nd level Manager's desk & said "You want to change your mind"(relaxed focus can be stronger than emotionally charged focus) within 15-30 minutes the Manager spoke to the trainer & asked her to please come back January 5
th for 2 more weeks of training. This is the way it should have always been & would have saved hundreds on air travel, food & lodging. This time of year clear thinking can take a back seat to the emotionally charged Holidays & all the cutbacks has added to the stress of all concerned. My department alone was cut in half; we were lucky people were asked to retire first & if not enough people left then a surplus would be announced.