I was doing energy work last night on a Friend who just lost her Father. This was her first experience with Energy Release and Reclaiming her Authentic Self. When I do this work, my little i(d) checks out and I become one with Universal Energy and Knowledge. I place stones, crystals and wands around the body to maximize efficiency; as the energy releases I send it
outside to feed Mother Nature and streamline the Universal Energy coming in through her
Crown Chakra. I used Liquid Gold Energy for optimum speed and results and was guided not to touch her, so I directed all energy with my hands building and dispersing it with a rattle and words. The session went very well, bound and core energy issues started releasing and her Authentic Self energy was thrown outside her body and realigned into the physical like a jigsaw puzzle. I have seen pieces of self realign like a jigsaw puzzle, but never the whole self, it was really amazing. I then closed her chakras and let her assimilate the shift. I then clear myself to insure I don't take on someone elses work; unfortunately with friends I usually forget assuming everything is fine so WRONG. Letting my guard down when doing this type of work can really be hazardous to my Health and I need to make it an automatic reflex. Water is always a must after work like this for the receiver and myself to clear on the physical. Well I awoke with very low energy today and have been fighting to get it back ... I just want to SLEEP. I'm so lucky it's a weekend. I smudged the Condo and will take a tepid shower before bed .