I have never been more excited about a new President than I am today. I believe President Elect Obama can really start to turn this country around, partially because he is including "We the People" to do our part. Sure it is going to take time and he is smart enough to preface that. Pouring through the United States brightest minds (You are only as good as the people you surround yourself ) to help him make the best decisions for the Country. What a refreshing change after 8 years of a Dictatorship creating devastation on so many levels. George W Bush is not a bad man he just let his inner petulant teenager take over and didn't want to listen to anyone, the Presidency was his job & "He" wanted to do it by himself right or wrong. Change happens when a problem hits critical mass and we are pushed to try a different approach. Thus Mr Obama is our new President Elect. The cherry on top for me, he wasn't the lesser of two evils, he was the best choice.
I love researching history and I am now checking out what each Cabinet Member does & will google each person chosen, for credentials background etc ...
Good thoughts for our new President to do the best of his ability & to keep him safe.
Exciting Update!
13 years ago