Thursday, August 28, 2008

The New Job is Getting Closer

8/28/08 My Supervisor told me today I made it through the first round & will be contacted next week to test for the Job I applied for on August 18th. When walking in tandem with Universal law everything starts falling into place with ease.
8/29/08 I received a call from Recruiter the Testing dates are 9/4, 9/5, 9/8 at 9am & I chose the 8th as I had vacation plans on the Calendar. I was called back & asked if it was possible for me to come in on 4th or 5th. I explained my situation & no problem the 8th is fine.
Many times we are afraid to ask for what we want because we think it may upset someone or cause problems. Most of the time people will work with us, however you always get nothing if you don't ask.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Magic is Afoot and the Job Search is On

I broke through the Core block Big Time, woohoo doing the "Happy Dance". I sent in a smokin' Resume for a Job I'm really interested in, the $$ is good, I have the knowledge, my Boss is behind me 100% & it's in a laidback office. Now, if it's meant to be, manifest this for me or bring in something better for my highest good & the highest purpose for all concerned.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Universe Is Known For Kicking Butt

I have noticed when I'm not moving energy blocks quickly enough Universe will kick my butt and believe me it hurts on most levels. I have been consistantly avoiding doing my work to get the new job. Procrastination is a great way to build energy & drop kick you into where you need to be. Yes you get there, unfortunately you feel like Shark Chum in the process. When it's a Core Block (family of Origin programming) I intuit that I'm getting ready to go through something big, for me usually Emotional. Sometimes on a conscious level I'll start avoiding the work like "time constraints" or I'll bargain and then not follow through. When too much time has been spent avoiding the work, the work comes to me. All levels start creating in Tandem; Spiritual brings the lesson into the Physical which continues to the Mental and Emotional. My big lessons come as a personal interactions that hook my Core Blocks. When processing the energy, it literally feels like someone is scratching my chest from the inside out, old programming keeps poking me as I process the interaction through discussion, different perspectives come up clarifying the mental hurdles and help Heal the Block. This time Reclaiming Personal Power. To insure I get the lesson on all levels I exercise, this helps anchor the Lesson into reality & completes the balance.

Reclaiming Personal Power: Visualize taking back all your energy from the person, place or thing; then return all of the energy not yours back to the source of your fear, pain, anger etc

Protection: Surround yourself with a Golden Dome & visualize Seraphim surrounding you.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Three Quick Energy Techniques

These are Three of my Favorite Energy Refocusing Techniques

1) Release and Refocus Anger
Visualize a Handball size of energy, close your eyes and zing it around your body for about 10-20 seconds. Rub your hands together then rub your hands on your thighs to your knees visualizing the excess energy going into the earth feeding Mother Nature. Repeat if necessary. Fill your body up with sparkling white energy expanding the energy out 3 feet beyond your body (now is a perfect time to visualize your perfect want or desire send it out to manifest) and close the Crown Chakra if in public for added protection.

2) Start Emotional Blocked Energy Flowing
Watch a favorite movie that triggers crying and ride the tears out to completion. Fill your body up with cotton candy pink fluffy energy (gentle Healing) and drink plenty of water.

3) Energize
Standing take 3 deep breaths exhaling through your mouth, bend slowly forward vertebrae by vertebrae from the waist until younarebas far as you can go, very slowly move to the left side take a deep breath, move to the center take a deep breath, then to the right take a deep breath and back to the center. Slowly raise back up vertebrae by vertebrae; you may feel a rush of energy or a bit dizzy. Take a deep breath and feel the soles of your feet if they are cold visualize them rooting like a tree (this is to ground). Healthier than a cup of coffee and in the time it takes to make one you're finished.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fear Creates Obstacles

I have a Love Hate relationship with Life when hits me between the eyes with a lesson I can't side step. Love it because Woo Hoo! I get it and Hate it because now I have to move through the lesson. There are 2 types of Wants and Desires those we are sure we can achieve and those we are afraid of achieving whether it's subconscious or fear of the unknown. The latter of these creates blocks to stop the desired result. The Subconscious Fear will try to pull your focus any way possible by creating another issue for you to work on and forget about your Goal. I.E. you have a project you want to complete before the deadline at work; a definite Raise at your review in 2 months. Coworkers are coming up to you asking for help, your choice to help your co-workers & miss the deadline or make your deadline & get the raise. This may seem like an easy choice however the subconscious fear doesn't give up until you achieve your Goal or give up on the Goal which it would rather you do to keep your life the same. Real Test: Can you keep your Focus and Achieve the Goal no matter how many obstacles come up and move through your Fear of Success.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

How to Create a Perfect New Job

This weekend I am preparing myself for a JOB Change. I want a job that fits my skills, stretches my mind, is fun, includes Creative people to work with & pay is open open open. I have been shifting in this direction since last March. My present job has been morphing into less work due to mechanization & different data processing tasks. My office moved to another floor & downsized another person. I am now working on a floor with more Managers & less peers. I was nervous in the beginning ... turns out most of the people are terrific & low key
It feels like my slate is being wiped clean to start another adventure, stepping into a deeper level of my Authentic Self. Doing & being what my passion in life is. I always thought once I knew my life's Passion; I was set for life. The big picture for me "Helping Others" has come in different forms Sales, Hair Dresser, Healing, Psychic Reading, now passively through a Company Finance department & Blogging. Balance is integral to life, always there not always easy to see. If I just take time to be present & quiet my mind ...


Before bed clear energy of entire Home & refill with healing & vibrant energy to promote change for my perfect job at this time.

Clearing a Space for Optimum Change & Healing: Visualize a "White Tornado" of energy, moving through the Home concentrating on corners (Dross energy tends to linger) until it feels clear. Then setting up pillars of energy (the color sensed or use white) in the center of each room with connecting arches continuing to build & then Hold the energy when at maximum potential for change on all levels to attract the perfect ... (in this case job & awareness).


Salt Bath Detox Technique: Sea Salt Bath to draw toxins out of the body & help relax. 1/4 C. Sea Salt & water as hot as comfortable. After 10-20 minutes of soaking; towel off & spritz with Lavender water.

Grounding Technique: Sit comfortably & slowly take 3 deep belly breaths releasing through mouth. Visualize energy coming in through the top of the head & bringing it through the entire body & out through the soles of the feet rooting like a tree. Then sinking the energy down to the Earth's axis wrapping around 3 times & bringing it back up through soles of feet to waist & back down the spine & into the earth. It's good to be grounded because it helps being present & aware in our life instead of skimming the surface & having to keep repeating lessons.

Technique: Visualize the energy coming in through the top of the head like water, through the body to the root chakra keep running the energy through it until the chakra becomes clear, then continue though all chakras until the energy is like clear running water.

Main Energy Centers of the Body

Re-Energizing Technique: Bring in Universal Energy through the Crown Chakra (top of the head) & fill up with the color that feels right or white (contains all colors).

Creating Technique: Start by asking for the Highest purpose for yourself & all concerned. Move the energy to the 3rd Eye (center of forehead) feel the energy expand. See a relaxing picture like a beach in the sun, feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Now visualize a picture or idea you want & see it unfolding into your perfect desire, including every detail. Energize it by focusing on the feeling living in that perfect Desire & put it in a white Bubble with gold flecks (White all Colors & Gold Purest Consciousness) sending it into the Universe to manifest on the physical plane.

Closing Down & Protection Technique: Visualize the Crown Chakra (top of the head) as a flower closing, moving to the 3rd Eye Chakra (forehead), Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra (center of body), Naval Chakra & Root Chakra . Surround yourself in your Favorite Color about 3 feet beyond your body & enclose in a Pink or Gold (Unconditional Love & Purest Consciousness) Bubble for protection.

Exercise to bring the Energetic Vibration of My Perfect Job at this time into the physical.

A Day well spent.

I would like to send my thanks to new Friends Chris & Karen for pointing me into the direction of Blogging. Check out their Blogs they are really fun & informative too.