I have noticed when I'm not moving energy blocks quickly enough Universe will kick my butt and believe me it hurts on most levels. I have been consistantly avoiding doing my work to get the new job. Procrastination is a great way to build energy & drop kick you into where you need to be. Yes you get there, unfortunately you feel like Shark Chum in the process. When it's a Core Block (family of Origin programming) I intuit that I'm getting ready to go through something big, for me usually Emotional. Sometimes on a conscious level I'll start avoiding the work like "time constraints" or I'll bargain and then not follow through. When too much time has been spent avoiding the work, the work comes to me. All levels start creating in Tandem; Spiritual brings the lesson into the Physical which continues to the Mental and Emotional. My big lessons come as a personal interactions that hook my Core Blocks. When processing the energy, it literally feels like someone is scratching my chest from the inside out, old programming keeps poking me as I process the interaction through discussion, different perspectives come up clarifying the mental hurdles and help Heal the Block. This time Reclaiming Personal Power. To insure I get the lesson on all levels I exercise, this helps anchor the Lesson into reality & completes the balance.
Reclaiming Personal Power: Visualize taking back all your energy from the person, place or thing; then return all of the energy not yours back to the source of your fear, pain, anger etc
Protection: Surround yourself with a Golden Dome & visualize Seraphim surrounding you.
Exciting Update!
13 years ago